Contact Me

You could have been anywhere on the internet today, but you chose to spend time here with me, and for that, I’m truly grateful. Whether you’re dropping in for the first time, a long-time follower with a spark of an idea, or a potential collaborator, I value your presence and am excited to hear from you.

I agree, contact forms can feel a bit impersonal. That’s why I prefer the direct approach. You can email me directly at

[email protected] to chat about any of the following:

Questions, Comments, or Feedback: While I hope your visit to my site is seamless, I’m here to help if you encounter any bumps along the way. And I’m always open to your questions, comments, or any concerns about the content you find here. Don’t hesitate to reach out.

Guest Contributions: If you’re interested in contributing to my content, whether it’s sharing your own insights or experiences related to faith, fashion, homeschooling, or home decor, I’d love to hear your ideas. Please include your full name, Instagram handle, and your blog or website URL (if applicable) in your pitch.

Collaboration Proposals: Have an idea for a collaboration or a project you think would be a great fit? Send me your thoughts—I’m all ears and would love to explore how we can work together.

Brand Partnerships: Interested in partnering with me to sponsor content or would like to partner with me for a campaign? Please provide all the relevant details in your email, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Childcare Consulting Services: If you're here because you stumbled upon my Youtube Channel and are interested in starting your childcare business, be sure to visit my ECE Website here and learn about my free resources, on-demand courses or consultation services. You can also email me as well with any questions you may have.